Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2018-2019 Catalog Program Name: Planner for Earth Science - Arts & Sciences Transfer (A.S.)

Planner for Earth Science - Arts & Sciences Transfer (A.S.)

Title of Major: Arts and Sciences - Earth Science, A.S.

Award: Associate of Science degree, A.S.


Total Credit Hours: 60

About Physical Sciences Department - see

Purpose: Prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions offering Bachelor of Science degrees in various professional disciplines and science programs.

Faculty Contact ( Kirsten Casey, Ph.D.

Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.

Course/Advising Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Term 1

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 111-Composition and Introduction to Literature 1 OR
ENG 115-Composition and Introduction to Literature 1 for Non-Native Speakers 
ENG 121-Composition and Literature 
Successful completion of ENG 121 fully satisfies the English composition general education requirement.
3 credit hours    
MAT 191-Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1 
4 credit hours     
Health/Fitness/Wellness GER 
3 credit hours    
CHE 111-General Chemistry 1  4 credit hours     


Term 2

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 112-Composition and Introduction to Literature 2 
ENG 116-Composition and Introduction to Literature 2 for Non-Native Speakers 
OR Elective
3 credit hours    
MAT 192-Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2 
4 credit hours     
One of the electives must be used to satisfy the computer competency requirement if it has not been demonstrated otherwise.  Other recommended courses include:
PHS 119-Fundamentals of Weather 
PHY 213-General Physics 3 
MAT 202-Linear Algebra 
MAT 212-Differential Equations 

No more than 3 credits of physical activity courses may be used as electives.
4 credit hours    
PHS 113-Physical Geology 
4 credit hours     


Term 3

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
PHS 109-General Oceanography  3 credit hours     
PHY 211-General Physics 1 
4 credit hours     
Social & Behavioral Science GER
Must choose one course from the following:
HIS 111-Ancient and Medieval Western Civilizations  
HIS 112-Early Modern and Modern Western Civilizations  
HIS 211-United States History through the Civil War 
HIS 212-United States History Since the Civil War 
3 credit hours    
Arts & Humanities GER:  Any COM GER course
3 credit hours    


Term 4

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
See notes for ElectiveTerm 2
1-4 credit hours    
PHY 212-General Physics 2 
4 credit hours     
See notes for ElectiveTerm 2
4 credit hours    
Arts & Humanities GER 
One Sophomore Literature (ENG) course
3 credit hours    
Social & Behavioral Science GER 
Other than HIS
3 credit hours    


About the Planner Symbols

More Information

>>Link to main catalog page for this program.