Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Planner for Visual Arts Transfer - Art History and Museum Studies (A.A.)

Official TItle of Major: Visual Arts Transfer - Art History and Museum Studies, A.A.

Award: Associate of Arts degree, A.A.

Code: AA.VSL.ART-HIS-ME      

Total Credit Hours: 60

Visual Arts and Humanities - see www.aacc.edu

Purpose: Prepares students for transfer to a four-year program in art history, museum studies or education. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, students with teaching certification will be eligible for a job as an art history teacher at a secondary institution (middle or high school). Those who wish to teach at a post-secondary institution (college or university) or work at a museum should pursue at minimum a master’s degree after graduation from the four year school.

Faculty Contact (https://webapps.aacc.edu/directory): Matthew Moore

Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.

Course/Advising Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Term 1

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 101 - Academic Writing and Research 1  OR
ENG 101A - Academic Writing and Research 1  
(English Composition GER)
3 credit hours    
Mathematics GER  
3 credit hours    
ART 100 - Two-Dimensional Design  
(Arts & Humanities GER)
3 credit hours    
ART 209 - History of Western Art 1  
3 credit hours    
ART 106 - Introduction to Digital Design  
This course satisfies the Technology Requirement for this degree.
3 credit hours    


Term 2

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 102 - Academic Writing and Research 2  
3 credit hours    
Biological & Physical Lab Science GER  
4 credit hours    
One elementary or intermediate world language course in French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian
(Arts & Humanities GER)
3 credit hours    
ART 125 - Drawing 1  
3 credit hours    
ART 210 - History of Western Art 2  
3 credit hours    


Term 4

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
Social & Behavioral Sciences GER  
(Must select different discipline from term 3)
3 credit hours    
Choose one additional course from list of Art History courses in term 3 3 credit hours    
choose one additional course from list of Studio Art courses in term 3 3 credit hours    
Recommend students check on transfer institution’s requirements. No more than 3 credits of physical activity courses may be taken as electives.
5 credit hours    


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