Title of Certificate: Transportation, Logistics, and Cargo Security, Certificate
Award: Certificate
Total Credit Hours: 18
About the Business Management Department
Purpose: This certificate will prepare students for entry-level employment in the growing transportation and logistics industry and enhance the knowledge and skills of existing industry employees.
Employment Information: The range of occupations within the various sectors of the transportation industry include air, sea, ground, rail, warehousing and distribution. The minimum hiring age varies between 18 and 21, depending on the employer. The majority of jobs in this industry require drug testing and criminal background checks. Students are advised to consider these industry requirements before applying to the program.
Special Conditions
Statewide Program: This program of study may be designated a Statewide Tuition Reduction Program. This means that some residents of Maryland (see the Tuition, Fees and Payments section of this catalog) enrolled in this program of study by the first day of the term may be eligible for in-county tuition rates for courses required for program completion. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm that this program still maintains a Statewide Program status before enrolling. Please refer to the college’s Accounts Receivable Office to confirm this designation.