Sep 01, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Gainful Employment Information

About Gainful Employment

AACC is required to report certain information about students who enrolled in Title IV (financial aid) eligible educational programs “that lead to Gainful Employment (GE) in a recognized occupation” (U.S. Dept. of Education Federal Student Aid website).  The same regulations provide that institutions must disclose certain information to prospective students about the institution’s Gainful Employment Programs.

The criteria and reporting requirements are determined by the U.S. Department of Education. AACC has provided program information links, which is a federal requirement, in an effort to help students make informed educational decisions.

Gainful Employment information for each program:

(List of certificates that are currently eligible for Title IV funding.)

(List of certificates that are currently ineligible for Title IV funding, but may receive TItle IV in the future.)

(List of certificates that were previously eligible for Title IV funding but that are no longer offered by AACC.)