Feb 16, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Academic Regulations on Registration & Attendance

Credit Hours


A credit hour is the unit by which academic work is measured. Each course is assigned a number of credit hours and these are specified in the section of this catalog titled Courses. A student enrolled in a face-to-face course should expect approximately 15 hours of instruction for each credit hour.

See also, Hours Attempted and Earned & Equivalent Hours  

Audit of Courses


Students who wish to be under no obligation for regular attendance, preparation, recitation or examination, and who do not wish to receive any credit, may register for a course as auditors. In a 15-week term, students may change registration from credit to audit during the first three weeks of classes. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the audit period will be defined proportionately.

Since no credit hours are attempted or earned and no quality points are given for an audited class, the course will not be included in calculation of the student’s grade point average. Audited courses are not eligible for graduation requirements, calculation toward students’ full-time or part-time enrollment status or toward financial aid. The designator AU will be entered on the student’s academic record. Regular tuition and fees apply to audited courses. A student may not receive credit for a course that is audited.

Enrollment/Changing a Schedule


A. Change from Noncredit to Credit

Some courses are offered as both credit and continuing education noncredit. Students who register may wish to change from one status to the other. In a regular term, students who wish to make this change must do so during the first three weeks of a 15-week term. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the change period will be defined proportionately.

B. Add/Adding Classes/Class Enrollment

Students must register for a course before they enter or participate in the class and may not enroll after the established last day to add a class. Students must switch class sections of a course or add a course during the add period.

C. Drop/Dropping Courses

On or before the drop deadline (see chart), students may drop a course, which means that all entries for the course are dropped completely from students’ transcripts. To accomplish this, students must file a Credit Registration • Add • Drop Form at the Records and Registration office or use MyAACC. The last day upon which courses may be dropped, is available on the students’ MyAACC page under My Classes. All courses in which a student is enrolled after the final drop date will be entered permanently into their academic record.

When students stop attending and do not drop or withdraw from a class, they will receive a failing grade and they will continue to be financially responsible for all tuition and fees.

D. Withdraw/ Withdrawal from Courses

A student may withdraw from a class after the final drop date through the 12th week of a 15 week session or the equivalent date in a shorter session. When a student withdraws an entry of W signifying withdrawal is entered into their record. To withdraw, a student must file a Credit Registration • Add • Drop Form or withdrawal using MyAACC self services. If these methods of withdrawal are not feasible due to extraordinary circumstances, contact the Records and Registration office to request an oral withdrawal request be considered.

After the final withdrawal date and through the last day of classes, as specified in the academic calendar, students may make a request to withdraw from the college or from individual courses by consulting with an academic advisor in the Counseling, Advising and Retention Services office, obtaining an advisor’s signature on a late withdrawal form and filing the late withdrawal form at the Records and Registration office. Students who are passing on the date of the withdrawal will be assigned a grade indicator of WP (withdraw passing) on their permanent record. Students who are failing on the date of the withdrawal will receive a grade of F.

Students who have withdrawn and received a grade of F may petition the Committee on Academic Standards to authorize the instructor to change the grade of F to WF (withdraw failing). Such students must provide verification to the committee that they could not complete the course for one of the following reasons:

  1. Death in immediate family.
  2. Student incapacitated due to serious illness.
  3. Change in hours or location of employment.
  4. Uncontrollable circumstances of a serious nature.

Students who have more than 10 entries of W, WP and WF may be required to meet with an academic advisor to review their educational plan before their next registration.

Students receiving financial aid should consult the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy before withdrawing from any courses.


Note: The last day upon which courses may be dropped is also listed on the students’ MyAACC page under My Class Schedule. After the final drop date, a student may withdraw from a class through the 12th week of the 15th week session. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the withdraw period will be defined proportionately.
  • Students may drop the class for five calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund.
  • Students may drop the class for two calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund. No refunds will be given after that date.
  • Students have five additional calendar days to withdraw from the class and receive a 60% reduction of the tuition, general student fees and lab fees charged for the class.
  • For hybrid and online classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.
  • If a student withdraws more than 10 calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting, no refunds will be issued.
  • For hybrid and online classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.


Honors Versions of Classes (Registrar’s Guidelines)

  AACC offers qualified students the opportunity to participate in an Honors Program.  Honors versions of courses are identified by the letter H at the end of the course prefix. For example, SPA111H-Elementary Spanish is the honors version of SPA 111. The prerequisites, lab fees, and other characteristics for the non-honors version of a course also pertain to the honors version. The honors  version of the course has additional requirements as described in the course listing of the College catalog. Furthermore, if the non-honors version of the course serves as a prerequisite, corequisite or requirement for a major or program, the honors version of the course will also meet the same requirements.  Credit cannot be awarded for both the non-honors and honors version of the same course.

Registration Policy

  Students at Anne Arundel Community College must register for class before the first scheduled class meeting. In the case of online or hybrid classes, a student must register the day before the first day of the session.  Detailed information is provided within our Registration webpage.

Developmental Courses


Students required to take developmental courses in English, reading, or math must pass those courses to be eligible to register for a credit English or math course. Developmental courses do not carry college credit and may not be used toward graduation.

Students who are degree and certificate-seeking with developmental status should begin developmental requirements in their first term. Developmental courses in English and reading must be in progress by the time 12 AACC hours (credit or equivalent) have been attempted. Developmental requirements must be completed within the first 30 AACC hours (credit or equivalent) attempted. An extension of one term may be granted by an academic advisor.

Students who are assigned developmental status and who complete their developmental requirements will be changed to regular status.

Change in a Major or Program

  Students are admitted to the college in an academic program specified in their original application. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor prior to changing their program of study. Those who wish to change their program must submit a program of study change form to the Records and Registration office or use MyAACC. Those students who are admitted in the General Education undeclared area of study are required to change their area of study as specified in the Undeclared  program.

Limitation on Majors or Programs (College Guideline)

  Students are permitted up to two active majors/programs to include any combination of degrees and certificates, with the exception of an Explore Program which permits only one active major/program.  A student may be approved for an additional program/major by submitting an Authorization for More Than Two  Programs/Majors form signed by an Academic Advisor.
Class Attendance
  1. Attendance
    • Regular attendance is expected of students who are registered in face-to-face courses and in distance education classroom environments.
    • For hybrid courses, attendance is defined as regular and substantive student participation in virtual learning activities as well as attendance at required face-to-face meetings.
    • For online courses, attendance is defined as regular and substantive student participation in virtual learning activities.
    • Attendance requirements and policies specific to each course are stated in the course syllabus. Students should be aware that lack of regular attendance and/or lack of substantive student participation as appropriate for the course format will adversely affect their grades in those classes in which attendance is a stated requirement. For courses in which attendance is not a stated requirement, student grades may be adversely affected by failure to satisfactorily complete assignments and course work.
    • Regular attendance and active participation promote student success.
  2. Visitors (Guests)
    • Only students officially registered for a course may attend.
    • No visitors (including children, family members or substitutes) shall be allowed to attend or participate in any course without the permission of the faculty member.