Nov 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy


Anne Arundel Community College, with a central mission of producing learning and a belief that individuals be given the opportunity to fully develop their potential, is committed to upholding rigorous and fair standards of student learning and achievement. Achieving successful student learning is dependent upon a dedication to academic integrity on the part of all members of the college community. Without academic integrity, students gain unfair advantage over others and impede their own development. In support of this aim, Anne Arundel Community College requires all students to exhibit academic integrity in all their academic work.

A culture of academic integrity, a unifying principle in this and all academic communities, is built upon respect for others’ work, commitment to doing one’s own work, and intolerance for academic dishonesty in all its forms.

Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

A. Cheating, which is the use or attempted use of unauthorized material, information, electronic device, implement or study aid in an academic exercise or assignment without the instructor’s permission;

B. Plagiarizing, which is the unacknowledged or improperly cited adoption or reproduction of the ideas, words, data or statements of others, including fellow students and internet sources;

C. Fabricating or falsifying, which is the unauthorized falsification or invention of any data, information or citation in an academic exercise;

D. Impersonating, which is assuming another student’s identity or allowing another student to do so for the purpose of fulfilling an academic requirement;

E. Facilitating, which is helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.

The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the President, or his/her designee, to develop and establish appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy. Anne Arundel Community College periodically reviews and updates its policies and procedures.  Please see Academic Integrity Procedures  for investigative adjudication and resolution of an alleged academic dishonesty.