Mar 13, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]
HLS 125 - The Future of Homeland Security3 credit hours - Three hours weekly; one term. Develop an understanding of today’s key Homeland Security issues and challenges. Explore the impact of current Homeland Security policies on the future. Use futuring tools to examine the implications of changes to United States policies and provide guidance to improve future United States international and domestic security.
Note: Credit is not given for HLS 125 and also FTR 125.
Course Outcomes:
- Introduction to the Future of Homeland Security (HLS).
- Explore Current US Policies of HLS.
- Explain HLS Challenges.
- Assess Opportunities.
- Discuss Future US Policies of HLS.
- Determine Perspectives on the Future.
- Evaluate Impacts of Future Technologies.
- US HLS Interests and Critical Infrastructures.
- Determine Importance of HLS and National Security.
- Understand PMESII (Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure and Information systems) and DIME (Diplomatic, Informational, Military and/or Economic).
- Examine Critical Infrastructure Protection.
- Appraise Human Factors.
- Hazards and Threats.
- Discuss Natural and Accidental.
- Explain Man-made.
- Review Warfare.
- State and Non-state Actors.
- Describe Major National Players.
- Identify Non-State Entities (Terrorists).
- Define Organizations and Groups (Activists).
- Cyber Power Implications.
- Compare Cyber Power/Soft Power.
- Interpret Capabilities and Intentions.
- Assess Opportunities and Challenges.
- Cyber Warfare and National Security.
- Discuss Strategic Deterrence.
- Describe Cyber Crime.
- Critique Cyber Warfare Strategies.
- Future Scenarios and Problem Solving.
- Identify Challenges Ahead.
- Compare and Contrast Implications to HLS.
- Evaluate Improved Defensive Measures.
- Explore International Political Solutions.
- Propose International Military Solutions.
- Develop National Protection Scenarios.
- Research and Assess the Way Ahead.