2023-2024 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]
LAT 112 - Elementary Latin 23 credit hours - Three hours of lecture weekly; one term. This course meets the Arts & Humanities General Education Requirement.
Build upon knowledge learned in LAT 111 . Read and translate short selections from a wide variety of Latin authors.
Prerequisite(s): LAT 111 or one year of high school Latin or permission of department chair.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use basic grammatical and syntactical elements of Classical Latin correctly.
2. Read, pronounce, and translate basic Classical Latin (with the aid of a Latin lexicon).
3. Participate in thoughtful discussions about linguistics.
4. Apply Latin prefixes, roots, suffixes, and grammar to the English language.
5. Critically analyze basic texts written in Classical Latin.
6. Discuss Classical Roman culture.