Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

THA 111 - Introduction to Theater

3 credit hours - Three hours weekly; one term.
This course meets the Arts & Humanities General Education Requirement. 

Explore various forms of modern theater in Western culture from expansive Broadway-style productions to low-budget, high-demand local community theater. Identify the fundamental traits of theatrical performance, including those of serious drama, comedy, musical theater, and other genres. Explore professional acting, directing, design, and other theatrical careers by viewing and discussing a combination of live and prerecorded performances.

Note: Students must attend two live performances outside class time. Typically offered at MC and OL; fall, spring, and summer terms.

Course Outcomes:
1.            Describe the strengths and weaknesses of a live theatrical performance from the perspective of an audience member;

2.            Appraise the contributions made by the creative team of a theatrical production: the playwright, the director, the actor, the musical director, the choreographer, and the various designers - scenic, lighting, sound, projections, costumes, and stage properties;

3.            Identify plays from a variety of time periods and analyze the portrayal of historical and modern societal values;

4.            Outline the range of theatrical performances found in the United States, ranging from hobbyist community theater to fully unionized commercial productions;

5.            Discuss the qualities which make a theatrical performance enjoyable and satisfying.