2023-2024 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]
ART 297 - Special Topics in Art - Ceramic Surfaces - Glazing and Firing3 credit hours - Explores the art and sciences of glazes and firing. Learn the underlying structure of glazes and how to test and achieve new colors and textures. Develop a personal palette and style by experimenting with an array of approaches to applying slips and glazes. Learn the concepts and methods for firing different kilns and how atmosphere affects ceramic surfaces. Lab fee $0-100.
Prerequisite(s): Art 203 or permission of department chair.
Course Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
a. Demonstrate in writing and classroom discussion an understanding of the history of clays, glazes, and kilns.
b. Demonstrate in formulation and application a fundamental understanding of the chemistry and physics of clay and glazes, and firing.
c. Formulate a palette of glaze colors.
d. Identify and solve glaze flaws.
e. Design and produce a small series of well-integrated ceramic forms and surfaces.
f. Load and fire electric, gas, and raku kilns.
g. Identify the potentially toxic materials in a ceramic studio and describe safe-working methods.
h. Identify potentially hazardous kiln setup and conditions.