Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Regulations all on one page

For questions regarding academic regulations, contact an academic advisor. Related link: Collegewide Policies (non-academic) 

Confidentiality of Student Education Records/Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, is a federal law which concerns the confidentiality of student education records.


The policy of the college is to protect and distribute a student’s educational records, including, but not limited to, any personally identifiable information, in accordance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the President, or his/her designee, to develop and establish appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy. A student’s FERPA rights begin on the first day the student begins attending classes at AACC.

The college does not disclose information from a student’s education record without the student’s written consent. Exceptions may include: to college officials with a legitimate educational interest; when providing directory information; in compliance with the Solomon Amendment; to those who, in an emergency, must protect the health or safety of students or others; and as authorized in the federal regulation.

Education Records

Education records include any record maintained by the college directly related to a student or students. These records include admission, academic, billing, financial aid, advising, and placement testing. In accordance with State Law COMAR 13B.01.01.11 Anne Arundel Community College permanently maintains adequate and accurate student records within the student information system. FERPA gives students the right to inspect and review information contained in their own education record, to challenge the content of the records, and allows for a formal hearing if resolution is not met. The registrar coordinates the inspection and review process for student education records.

All documents and transcripts submitted to Anne Arundel Community College become the property of the College and will not be returned, reproduced, or released back to the student or to a third-party or outside agency. Students who wish to have a personal copy for their records or any other purposes must request the document or transcript directly from the sending institution.

Directory Information

FERPA allows the registrar to release student directory information. This information may include name, address, AACC ID#, AACC email address, telephone numbers, program of study, full-time or part-time enrollment status, terms enrolled, degrees and honors earned, and participation in officially recognized college activities or sports. The college typically releases only name, terms enrolled, full-time or part-time enrollment status, and degrees earned as directory information. To have directory information withheld, notify the registrar in writing.  Anne Arundel Community College does not generally provide student directory information when it is requested for solicitation and/or commercial purposes.

Law Enforcement Unit Records

The college may disclose law enforcement unit records to anyone, including federal, State, or local law enforcement authorities, without the consent of student or parent. A law enforcement record is defined as a record that is: created by the law enforcement unit; created for a law enforcement purpose; and maintained by the law enforcement unit.

Student Records

Change of Name, Address and Phone Number

Students are required to notify the Records and Registration office of changes including name, address, or telephone number. Students should complete the demographic information change form or use MyAACC. The college uses United States Postal Service standard address abbreviations and spellings.

Requests for name changes must be accompanied by supporting documentation consistent with the U.S. Department of Education Regulations. In order to change a first name, students must submit an official court document, marriage certificate, or certificate of naturalization. Changes to last name require an official court document, marriage certificate, or driver’s license.

Please note: Post office boxes may be used as mailing addresses, but cannot be used as a legal address for residency purposes. Students who wish to receive college mail at a post office box must submit proof of legal residence before the post office box can be used.

Change of Program/Major

Students are admitted to the college in an academic program specified in their original application. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor prior to changing their program of study. Those who wish to change their program must submit a program of study change form to the Records and Registration office. Those students who are admitted in Exploration programs of study are required to change their program of study before earning 20 credits.

Enrollment Verification/Full-Time, Part-Time Student Status

Request official verification of enrollment at the Records and Registration office. Anne Arundel Community College designates a full-time student as one enrolled for the equivalent of 12 credit hours. Students enrolled for fewer than 12 credit/equivalent hours are classified as part-time. Some health professions students registered in a clinical sequence course are considered full-time when enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours.

The registrar reserves the right to deny certification of enrollment or attendance or may withdraw such certification due to unacceptable absences in classes and/or lack of substantive participation in distance education courses.

Student Classification

Students who have been admitted to the college are classified as follows: 0 to 27 credit hours earned - first-year student (freshman); 28 or more credit hours earned - second-year student (sophomore).


Request official academic transcripts online at https://www.aacc.edu/resources/student-records/request-a-transcript/. Official academic transcripts are only issued for students who have taken coursework at Anne Arundel Community College. Unofficial transcripts may be obtained through the student’s MyAACC account.

Transfer Credit for Students Transferring Into AACC (Registrar’s Guidelines)

Consistent with Title 13B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (13B.06.01.04.), transfer credit accepted by AACC shall be considered equivalent to credit earned at AACC. Students seeking credit for transferring in courses should refer to Credit for Previous Learning catalog page.

Grades and GPA

Credit Hours

A credit hour is the unit by which academic work is measured. Each course is assigned a number of credit hours and these are specified in the section of this catalog titled Courses. A student enrolled in a face-to-face course should expect approximately 15 hours of instruction for each credit hour.

Hours Attempted and Earned

Hours attempted means the total number of credit hours in all the credit courses (numbered 100-299) for which students receive one of the letter grades listed under Grades and Quality Points (see Grades and Quality Points).

Hours earned means the total number of credit hours in all the credit courses (numbered 100-299) for which students receive a letter grade of D or higher. No credit hours are earned with a grade of F or FX or a grade designator of W, WP or WF.

Each grade report shows the credit hours attempted and earned for the term. Grade reports can be accessed in MyAACC Self Services.

Developmental Courses/Equivalent Hours

Courses numbered 000-099 are equivalent hour courses designed to support success in college-level work. Academic credit is not awarded, the grade earned is not calculated in the GPA, and the courses cannot be used towards graduation. Hours spent in equivalent hour courses are not included in hours attempted or hours earned. Equivalent hour courses are counted in computing enrollment load and tuition. This means that students who are limited to a maximum number of credits may take only that total of combined credit and equivalent hours.

Grade Point Average (GPA) and Quality Point Total

The grade point average and credit calculations on the Anne Arundel Community College transcript include only credit courses taken at Anne Arundel Community College. A letter grade is assigned for each course in which students are enrolled at the end of the term. A grade submitted by the faculty member can be viewed in a student’s MyAACC account.

  • Quality point total is the number of quality points a student earns. Each grade report shows the student’s quality point total for the term and the cumulative quality point total since admission.
  • Grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total quality points by the total credit hours attempted.
  • Total cumulative grade point average includes all attempts in all credit courses for which students receive letter grades of A, B, C, D, F or FX.
  • Adjusted cumulative grade point average does not include the previous grade(s) earned in a course when the course has been repeated (R), forgiven (Y), or which has been granted academic clemency (Q). See the Grade Designations not included in the Calculation of the GPA table below.

Each grade report in MyAACC shows the student’s total quality points for the term and the cumulative quality point total since admission. The number of quality points earned for each credit course is the product of the course credit hours multiplied by the quality point value of the letter grade assigned. For example, students who complete a three-hour credit course with a C grade earn three times two, or six quality points; those who complete a four-hour credit course with a B earn four times three, or 12 quality points.

Meaning Quality Point Value per Credit Hour in Credit Courses
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failing 0
FX Failure due to never having attended or ceasing to attend class at or before the midpoint of the course. In the case of students in distance learning courses, an FX grade may be awarded to students who have never participated or ceased to participate in the course. 0

GPA Calculation

Total cumulative grade point average includes all attempts in all credit courses for which students receive letter grades of A, B, C, D, F or FX. Grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total quality points by the total credit hours attempted. Adjusted cumulative grade point average does not include the previous grade(s) earned in a course when the course has been repeated (R), forgiven (Y), or which has been granted academic clemency (Q). See the grade designations not included in the calculation of the GPA table below. See an academic advisor with questions.

Grade Designations Not Included in the Calculation of the GPA
AU Audit
CO Continue
I Incomplete
NG No Grade
PA Pass (equivalent to a grade of C or better)
Q Academic Clemency
R Repeat
S Satisfactory progress
TR Course accepted in transfer
U Unsatisfactory progress
UX Unsatisfactory due to lack of attendance
W Withdraw
WP Withdraw Passing
WF Withdraw Failing
Y Course forgiveness

Some courses and majors have grade requirements for students to receive credit for achieving State of Maryland general education standards, to advance to a subsequent course, to be admitted to a particular major and/or to graduate from a particular major. 

Dean’s List/Honors List

The dean’s list includes full-time students earning at least 12 credits with a GPA of 3.40 or higher in the previous term. The honors list includes part-time students earning at least six credit hours with a GPA of 3.40 or higher in the previous term.

Pass/Fail Grades

The PA grade represents a grade of C or better in courses with the Pass/Fail (PA/F) grading designation. Students with a PA grade earn the stated number of credit hours, but a PA grade has no quality point value and is not computed in the grade point average (GPA).

Grade Changes

The instructor of a course is the only individual authorized to assign a grade or to change a grade. Once a grade has been assigned and entered into a student’s record, an instructor may request the registrar to make a grade change only if there has been an error in the determination of the grade. Otherwise, final grades on an official transcript shall not be changed. Should a student have a grievance about an assigned grade or evaluation rating, the student should follow the grievance about academic assessment procedure.

If a student can unequivocally demonstrate that it was physically or emotionally impossible to withdraw from a class by the deadline, the student may petition the Committee on Academic Standards to request that the instructor change the grade to WP (withdraw passing) or WF (withdraw failing).

Incomplete Work

The grade designator of I (incomplete) is assigned only in exceptional circumstances and is a temporary grade indicator. An incomplete must be requested by the student and may be taken only with permission and cooperation of the instructor. A grade indicator of I will be given only to students who cannot complete the work of a course on schedule because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control. Unless the work is completed by the date approved by the instructor in the course, but not later than 30 days after the beginning of the next 15-week term, a grade of F will be recorded for the course.

Interim Grades

Faculty submit interim grades for every student on the current class roster for sessions of 10 weeks or longer. Interim grades are due after one third of the session has been completed.

Student progress to date will be indicated by the following grade indicators:

S Satisfactory progress (current grade C or better)
U Unsatisfactory progress (current grade less than C)
UX Unsatisfactory due to lack of attendance

Repetition of Courses

Students may repeat a class one time only, regardless of the grade earned, unless otherwise stated in the course description. When a student repeats a course at Anne Arundel Community College, the most recent grade from Anne Arundel Community College is used to compute the adjusted GPA. However, grades for each attempt remain on the student record and transcript. Students who wish to repeat a course must repeat the course at Anne Arundel Community College for the repeat policy to apply. Grades earned at other institutions in courses for which grades were earned at Anne Arundel Community College do not adjust the grades earned at Anne Arundel Community College, nor do they alter the grade point average. To request to repeat a class more than one time, a student must meet with an academic advisor to petition the Committee on Academic Standards. Students may repeat developmental ENG and ACL courses until successful completion, with no limitation on the number of attempts and without filing a petition. Students should be aware that federal financial aid regulations limit the number of times a student can receive federal financial aid for a graded class.

Forgiveness of Courses

Students who have demonstrated academic progress in a new program of study may petition the Committee on Academic Standards to request academic forgiveness of courses that cannot be applied to meet a program requirement in their new program of study. If the Committee on Academic Standards approves the request for academic forgiveness, the courses will still appear on the student’s transcript, but are marked as forgiven and are not included in the adjusted grade point average. It is important to note that all courses not applicable to the new program of study will be forgiven, regardless of grade earned. In some cases, this procedure will have a negative effect on the student’s adjusted grade point average. All requests must be carefully reviewed with an academic advisor before submitting a petition.

Some courses restrict award of credit based on overlap of content as noted in the course description. Students who take two courses for which they cannot receive credit for both will have one of the courses marked as forgiven. However, both grades remain on the student’s record and transcript.

Courses cannot be forgiven after a degree or certificate has been awarded. However, a student who has demonstrated progress toward a new program of study may request course forgiveness for courses that could not be applied to a previously awarded degree or certificate.

Please note: Having courses forgiven will usually not resolve any Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) violations caused by the forgiven courses. If courses are forgiven, the Financial Aid SAP Policy will use the new adjusted grade point average, but the forgiven course credits will still be counted as attempted credits. See the Financial Aid webpage for more information.

Academic Clemency

Academic Clemency is designed to provide former Anne Arundel Community College credit students, who have not been enrolled at the college for a minimum of five years, an opportunity to return to Anne Arundel Community College without the burden of previous poor academic performance (i.e., grades of D, F or FX). Upon re-enrollment at Anne Arundel Community College after at least a 5 year absence, students who have demonstrated academic progress by completion of a minimum of 12 credits with a minimum grade of “C” in all courses attempted, may petition the Committee on Academic Standards for Academic Clemency.  If the Committee on Academic Standards approves the request for Academic Clemency, the student may choose a maximum of 15 credits be forgiven based on Academic Clemency. The 15-credit clemency is intended as a one time use regulation per student. The courses will still appear on the student’s transcript, but are marked as forgiven based on Academic Clemency and not included in the adjusted grade point average.  Courses that are forgiven for Academic Clemency cannot be applied towards a degree or certificate.  Academic Clemency may only be granted to courses taken at Anne Arundel Community College and only to students currently enrolled at the college. The request for Academic Clemency must be approved prior to the student being awarded a degree or certificate and may be granted one time only. Developmental courses will not be considered for Academic Clemency.

Regardless of whether classes and grades are forgiven by AACC, all attempted classes and grades will be included in the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress and used to confirm eligibility for Financial Aid. The calculation utilizing all grades for required courses is consistent with the U.S. Department of Education Regulations. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office regarding individual circumstances.

Military Deployment (Accommodations, Withdrawals & Incompletes)

Reasonable accommodation will be granted to students showing satisfactory academic progress who are called to military service (appropriate documentation is required). All active duty and reserve military students should check with instructors on or before the first day of class to determine course policy with regard to short term deployment (e.g. the attendance policy for the course). Most courses are structured such that a single deployment of one to two weeks during a term allow for the student to complete the work missed upon return or take an incomplete. Incompletes may be taken only with permission and cooperation of the instructor and must be requested by the student. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all work missed whether taking an incomplete or completing the work in a timely manner within the term enrolled. Students taking an incomplete should refer to the Incomplete Work section. Student communication with the instructor is key.

However, a few courses have internal or external requirements such that make-up work cannot be accommodated. Students deployed while taking such a course must withdraw (see below). Students showing satisfactory academic progress and having to leave a program due to military service requirements must withdraw from the course(s) and will be allowed to re-enter the program by retaking the course or courses from which they had to withdraw. There are courses in some programs in which the student may be able to take an “incomplete” and finish the course in cooperation with the instructor, even with deployments that extend beyond one to two weeks of time. Military students suspending studies in courses with required lab components, clinical components, and/or competency requirements will be allowed re-entry provided the student meets standard departmental and/or program entry requirements. The student will be re-entered into an open seat in the next available class cycle.

Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal

Good Academic Standing

Students who have an adjusted grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher are in good standing. Students’ academic standing cannot be changed until 12 additional credit hours have been attempted. Thereafter, students are governed by the academic standing table below.

Academic Probation

Students who have an adjusted cumulative GPA below a 2.00 are placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation may enroll in up to 14 credit hours during a 13-15-week session, up to 7 credit hours during a 5-12-week session, and up to 4 credit hours during a 4-week or less session.

After any change in academic standing, no further change can be made until at least 12 additional credit hours have been attempted. However, students may be removed from academic probation at the end of any term during which their overall grade point average is a 2.00. Students on probation who achieve a term GPA of 3.00 or better, while earning at least nine hours of credit during one term, will be in good standing for the following term.

The academic standing of students whose grade point average is below 2.00 is determined by the following table.

Academic Standing Table

Adjusted Cumulative Credit Hours Attempted Adjusted GPA for Probation Adjusted GPA for Dismissal
0-11 0-1.99 -
12-14 1.00-1.99 .99 or less
15-17 1.15-1.99 1.14 or less
18-20 1.34-1.99 1.33 or less
21-23 1.40-1.99 1.39 or less
24-26 1.50-1.99 1.49 or less
27-29 1.56-1.99 1.55 or less
30-32 1.60-1.99 1.59 or less
33-35 1.64-1.99 1.63 or less
36-38 1.67-1.99 1.66 or less
39-41 1.69-1.99 1.68 or less
42-44 1.76-1.99 1.75 or less
45-47 1.80-1.99 1.79 or less
48-50 1.81-1.99 1.80 or less
51-53 1.82-1.99 1.81 or less
54-56 1.85-1.99 1.84 or less
57-59 1.89-1.99 1.88 or less
60 or above 1.90-1.99 1.89 or less

Note: Students who earned a term GPA of at least 2.00 will not be dismissed, regardless of their position in the academic standing table.

An adjusted cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 is required for graduation.

These Academic Standing, Probation, Dismissal and Reinstatement policies apply to all AACC students, but students who receive financial aid are also subject to the more stringent “Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy” on the Financial Aid webpage.

Dismissal for Academic Reasons and Reinstatement

Students who have attempted 12 or more credit hours of credit courses and whose adjusted cumulative grade point average falls in the dismissal zone specified in the academic standing table will be dismissed. Students will not be subject to academic dismissal, however, until they have attempted at least 12 additional credit hours since their most recent change in academic standing (dismissal or probation).

First Dismissal

Students who have been dismissed one time from the college for academic reasons and who wish to be reinstated must:

  • Meet with an academic advisor to develop a suitable academic plan. The academic advisor will help the student identify strategies to assure academic success. The student will be directed to use college academic support services and encouraged to develop realistic goals.
  • After meeting with an academic advisor, the student will be permitted to register for courses. For the initial term returning after a first dismissal, readmitted students may register with the following restrictions:
  • Readmitted students may only register for two courses which must be repeats of courses in which they earned D or F grades. Both courses may be taken concurrently in terms of 13 weeks or longer. A course taken in a term of less than 13 weeks must be taken with no other concurrent courses.
  • The Student Success course (ACA 100) is strongly recommended and may be added as a third course.

Second Dismissal

  • Students who have been dismissed twice from the college for academic reasons and who wish to be reinstated must:
  • Sit out one 15-week term before being eligible for reinstatement.
  • Meet with an academic advisor to develop a suitable academic plan. The academic advisor will help the student identify strategies to assure academic success. The student will be directed to use college academic support services and encouraged to develop realistic goals.
  • After meeting with an academic advisor, the student will be permitted to register for courses in accordance with the restrictions for a First Dismissal.

Further Dismissals

Students who have been dismissed more than twice from the college for academic reasons and who wish to be reinstated must:

  • Sit out one 15-week term prior to meeting with an academic advisor.
  • Make a substantial case for reinstatement by meeting with an academic advisor. During this meeting, an advisor will help you access your academic standing, offer suggestions on the best presentation of your written appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards, assist you in creating a detailed educational plan, and help you develop an alternative plan in case you are not reinstated to the college. Any supporting documentation of serious circumstances that have affected your academic performance should be included in your appeal. The Committee will consider your circumstances prior to rendering a decision.

See also AACC Code of Student Conduct.

Registration and Attendance

Class Attendance

  • Regular attendance is expected of students who are registered in face-to-face courses and in distance education classroom environments.
  • For hybrid courses, attendance is defined as regular and substantive student participation in virtual learning activities as well as attendance at required face-to-face meetings.
  • For online courses, attendance is defined as regular and substantive student participation in virtual learning activities.
  • Attendance requirements and policies specific to each course are stated in the course syllabus. Students should be aware that lack of regular attendance and/or lack of substantive student participation as appropriate for the course format will adversely affect their grades in those classes in which attendance is a stated requirement. For courses in which attendance is not a stated requirement, student grades may be adversely affected by failure to satisfactorily complete assignments and course work.
  • Regular attendance and active participation promote student success.

Visitors (Guests)

  • Only students officially registered for a course may attend.
  • No visitors (including children, family members or substitutes) shall be allowed to attend or participate in any course without the permission of the faculty member.

Attendance Records

Attendance is taken and recorded in all classes. Instructors are required to submit student attendance for all students enrolled in all sections through the MyAACC portal. For sections with scheduled meeting days and times, student attendance is recorded for each class meeting. For online, online blended, hybrid, clinicals, practicums, and independent study sections, participation is recorded once a week. Attendance is not recorded separately for lab classes associated with a lecture class. Several times each term, Assistant Deans and department chairs are notified of instructors who fail to submit attendance. Students with questions about attendance will be referred to their instructor.

Determining Placement

AACC offers many ways for students to place into courses. These include high school GPA, high school standardized testing, and the Accuplacer placement exam. All students who wish to earn a degree or certificate must be assessed. Prior to assessment, students are placed in a provisional status and may enroll in courses that do not require English and/or math eligibility.

Students using Accuplacer for placement may retest for English one time. Retesting in English is not allowed after attending or starting English or Academic Literacies classes. Students wishing to retest in mathematics must take a refresher course or seek permission from the math department. Retesting in mathematics is not allowed after enrollment in mathematics classes. Attempting to take an assessment test more than the approved policy allows violates the college’s Academic Integrity Policy. Any assessment test score which is found to be the result of unauthorized repeat testing will be discarded.

Credit Limitations

The chart below documents the maximum number of credits for which a student may be concurrently enrolled based on their placement status and the length of session in which the course(s) is scheduled.

Placement Status Maximum Concurrent Credit Hours Limits by Session Length

Status/Standing 13-15 Week Session 5-12 Week Session 4 Weeks or Less Session
English Composition Eligible   18 10 6
Provisional   13 10 4

Note: Academic standing also impacts the maximum credit hours per term.                   

An exception to the limitation on credit hours may be granted by an academic advisor for a student with English Composition Eligible status if the student has an adjusted cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher that includes at least one full-time term of courses for which a GPA of 3.00 has been earned.

Credit and equivalent hours are noted near course titles in the Courses  section of this catalog. Limitations on credit hours are calculated as the sum of all the credit hours and equivalent hours for which a student registers for a given term.

Registration/Enrollment/Changing a Schedule

Audit/Auditing Courses

Students who wish to be under no obligation for regular attendance, preparation, recitation or examination, and who do not wish to receive any credit, may register for a course for audit (AU). In a 15-week term, students may change registration status between credit and audit during the first three weeks of classes. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the audit period will be defined proportionately.

Since no credit hours are attempted or earned and no quality points are given for an audited class, the course will not be included in calculation of the student’s grade point average. Audited courses are not eligible for graduation requirements, calculation toward students’ full-time or part-time enrollment status or toward financial aid. The designator AU will be entered on the student’s academic record. Regular tuition and fees apply to audited courses. A student may not receive credit for a course that is audited.

Honors Versions of Classes (Registrar’s Guidelines)

AACC offers qualified students the opportunity to participate in an Honors Program.  Honors versions of courses are identified by the letter H at the end of the course prefix. For example, SPA-111H, Elementary Spanish is the honors version of SPA 111. The prerequisites, lab fees, and other characteristics for the non-honors version of a course also pertain to the honors version. The honors version of the course has additional requirements as described in the course listing of the College catalog. Furthermore, if the non-honors version of the course serves as a prerequisite, corequisite or requirement for a major or program, the honors version of the course will also meet the same requirements. Credit cannot be awarded for both the non-honors and honors version of the same course. For more information on courses with honors versions, visit the Similar Courses  page.

Register/Add/Adding Classes/Class Enrollment

Students must register for class before the first scheduled class meeting. In the case of online or hybrid classes, a student must register the day before the first day of the session. Students must register for a course before they enter or participate in the class and may not enroll after the established last day to add a class. Students must switch class sections of a course or add a course during the add period. Visit https://www.aacc.edu/apply-and-register/credit-application/register-for-credit-classes/ for details about on-time registration deadlines.

Drop/Dropping Courses

On or before the drop deadline (see chart), students may drop a course, which means that all entries for the course are dropped completely from students’ transcripts. To accomplish this, a student must drop the course through MyAACC or submit a Credit Registration • Add • Drop Form to the Records and Registration office. All courses in which a student is enrolled after the final drop date will be entered permanently into their academic record.

When students stop attending and do not drop or withdraw from a class, they will receive a failing grade and they will continue to be financially responsible for all tuition and fees.

Withdraw/Withdrawal from Courses

A student may withdraw from a class after the final drop date through the 12th week of a 15 week session or the equivalent date in a shorter session. When a student withdraws an entry of W signifying withdrawal is entered into their record. To accomplish this, a student must withdraw from the course through MyAACC or submit a Credit Registration • Add • Drop Form to the Records and Registration office. For additional information, contact the Records and Registration office at records@aacc.edu.

Students who have more than 10 entries of W, WP and WF may be required to meet with an academic advisor to review their educational plan before their next registration.

Students receiving financial aid should consult the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy before withdrawing from any courses.

Late Withdraw

After the final withdrawal date and through the last day of classes, as specified in the academic calendar, students may make a request to withdraw from the college or from individual courses by consulting with an academic advisor in the Advising & Transfer Advising office, obtaining an advisor’s signature on a late withdrawal form, and filing the late withdrawal form at the Records and Registration office. Students who are passing on the date of the withdrawal will be assigned a grade indicator of WP (withdraw passing) on their permanent record. Students who are failing on the date of the withdrawal will receive a grade of F.

Students who have withdrawn and received a grade of F may petition the Committee on Academic Standards (see Petitions to Committee on Academic Standards ) to authorize the instructor to change the grade of F to WF (withdraw failing). Such students must provide verification to the committee that they could not complete the course for one of the following reasons:

  • Death in immediate family.
  • Student incapacitated due to serious illness.
  • Change in hours or location of employment.
  • Uncontrollable circumstances of a serious nature.

Drop/Withdraw/Refund Deadlines

Note: The last day upon which courses may be dropped is emailed to the student’s MyAACC email upon registration in the section. After the drop deadline, a student may withdraw from a class through the 12th week of the 15th week session. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the withdraw period will be defined proportionately.



  • Students may drop the class for five calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund.
  • Students may drop the class for two calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund. No refunds will be given after that date.
  • Students have five additional calendar days to withdraw from the class and receive a 60% reduction of the tuition, general student fees and lab fees charged for the class.
  • For hybrid, online, and online blended classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.
  • If a student withdraws more than 10 calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting, no refunds will be issued.
  • For hybrid, online, and online blended classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Procedures

If a student and their advisor have determined that the student has fulfilled or will fulfill all graduation requirements by the last day of the term, the student must submit an application for graduation according to the following schedule in order to be reviewed for graduation for the specified term. Students must complete and submit a graduation application regardless if they will attend the commencement ceremony. The college will not retroactively date a degree or certificate to a previous term. Students must submit a graduation application through MyAACC.

For Spring graduation: By March 1

For Summer graduation: By July 1

For Fall graduation: By November 1

Applications are good for only one term. Students who do not qualify in the term for which they apply are required to reapply by the deadline for the term in which they will meet all the graduation requirements and wish to graduate.

Summer graduates, fall graduates and spring graduation candidates are invited to attend the spring commencement ceremony.

Students must be in good financial standing with the College, all accounts paid in full, to receive their diploma/transcripts and to attend the commencement ceremony.

Graduation Honors

Latin honors of cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude indicate the level of academic distinction attained by the members of the graduating class who have completed an associate degree.  These Graduation Honors are designated on a student’s academic record based on all grades earned from Anne Arundel Community College at the time of award of degree. Graduation Honors are awarded to associate degree recipients whose adjusted cumulative grade point average (GPA) are:

(a) 3.400 to 3.599 - cum laude;

(b) 3.600 to 3.799 - magna cum laude; and

(c) 3.800 to 4.000 - summa cum laude.

Courses Cancelled in Students’ Final Term

Students, who in their last term before graduation, have a required course cancelled should immediately contact their department chair to request substitution of another course for graduation.

Associate Degree Requirements

To qualify for any associate degree, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours, 15 of which must be earned at Anne Arundel Community College. A minimum of 30 of the required 60 credit hours must be earned through direct classroom instruction (including distance learning classes).
  2. Achievement of an adjusted cumulative grade point average  of 2.0 or higher.
  3. Completion of the course and general education requirements of a program or curriculum as described in the college catalog. Any catalog may be used provided that it is for the current year or one of the four preceding academic years, and is for a year in which the student completed at least one credit or developmental class. On a student’s application for graduation he/she will declare the catalog year to be used.
  4. Submission of a graduation application through MyAACC by the deadline.

Additional Associate Degree

To earn more than one associate degree at Anne Arundel Community College, students must:

  1. Fulfill all program requirements for each degree in accordance with college requirements as stated above.
  2. Submit a graduation application through MyAACC by the deadline.

Similar Degrees (Registrar’s Guidelines)

In cases where a similar degree, as determined by the Registrar, has been renamed from a previous catalog year, students can only receive that degree from one catalog.

Posthumous Degrees or Certificates

Anne Arundel Community College has authority to award posthumous degrees or certificates. Upon request of a family member the review and determination to award a posthumous degree or certificate will be conducted by the Registrar on a case-by-case basis.

Certificate Requirements

To qualify for a certificate, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the course requirements of a program as described in the college catalog. At least 25 percent of the total credit hours in the program must be earned at Anne Arundel Community College. At least half of the credit hours required for a certificate must be earned through direct classroom instruction (including online/distance learning classes).Any catalog may be used provided that it is for the current year or one of the four preceding academic years, and is for a year in which the student completed at least one credit or developmental class. On a student’s application for graduation he/she will declare the catalog year to be used.
  2. Demonstrated eligibility for ENG 101/ENG 101A. 
  3. Achievement of an adjusted cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  4. Submission of a graduation application through MyAACC by the deadline.

Students who qualify for graduation for a degree that has a stackable certificate may also be awarded the certificate. 

Letter of Recognition

To qualify for a Letter of Recognition, students must complete the courses for the letter as stated under areas of study in the catalog. At least 50 percent of the total credit hours in the letter of recognition must be earned at Anne Arundel Community College. Students must apply for the letter of recognition at the Records and Registration office. (There is no fee for a letter of recognition.) Letters of recognition are not a formal award and therefore not noted on the official transcript.

Fast Track Option

For associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degree programs that have been identified as having a Fast Track Option, general education, diversity, technology and wellness requirements are considered satisfied for those students who have earned an associate, baccalaureate, or master’s degree from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university and whose program of study included at least 20 credit hours of general education courses (excluding physical education activity courses). Students must fulfill all other graduation requirements. Official transcripts from all previous institutions attended must be submitted to the Records and Registration office.

For all other degree programs that have been identified as having a Fast Track Option, general education, diversity, technology and wellness requirements are considered satisfied for those students who have earned an associate, baccalaureate, or master’s degree from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university and whose program of study included at least 30 credit hours of general education courses (excluding physical education activity courses). Students must fulfill all other graduation requirements. Official transcripts from all previous institutions attended must be submitted to the Records and Registration office.

Reverse Transfer Award of the Associate Degree

Reverse transfer award of the associate degree (reverse transfer) allows a student who transferred to a four-year institution prior to earning an associate degree to transfer credits back to Anne Arundel Community College to fulfill the remaining requirements for the associate degree while continuing to work toward a bachelor degree. The Records and Registration office reviews coursework from Anne Arundel Community College and the four-year institution to determine if the remaining course requirements have been completed at the four-year institution for the award of an associate degree. College transfer credit criteria and graduation requirements apply to reverse transfer students. Students should complete the reverse transfer degree application form found on the reverse transfer website and send all official transcripts to initiate the review.

Student Athlete Eligibility

Upon recommendation of the Director of Athletics the Registrar confirms that each student entered on the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) eligibility form meets the eligibility requirements established by the NJCAA prior to the student’s participation in an official game.


Petitions to Committee on Academic Standards/Exceptions to the Academic Regulations

Students who wish to request an exception to an academic regulation may do so by submitting a petition to the Committee on Academic Standards at academicstandards@aacc.edu. Examples of an exception to an academic regulation include requests to substitute one course for another, to be readmitted after multiple dismissals, or to repeat a course more than one time. Approval of these requests is neither automatic nor guaranteed; each is evaluated on its own merits. The Committee on Academic Standards acting for the faculty, has jurisdiction over all matters concerning the application of academic regulations.

Petition forms are available in the Records and Registration office and Academic & Transfer Advising or by contacting academicstandards@aacc.edu. Each completed form must be accompanied by a substantial letter of explanation from the student and have a signed recommendation for appropriate action from an academic advisor, Disability Support Services, or the applicable Department Chair/Director and be submitted to academicstandards@aacc.edu.

Students will be emailed a copy of the committee’s decision to their MyAACC email account. Any appeal of a Committee on Academic Standards decision must be submitted to the Records and Registration office and addressed to the Office of the Vice President for Learning. The appeal must be received by the Records and Registration office within 30 days of the committee’s original decision date. An appeal form and filing procedures can be obtained from the Records and Registration office, Academic and Transfer Advising, or academicstandards@aacc.edu.