Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Tuition, Fees and Payments

Tuition per credit hour*
  Anne Arundel County Residents $125  
  Other Maryland County Residents $293  
  Out-of-State Residents and International Students $425  
Tuition reduction*
  Some students enrolled in specific programs and/or courses may be eligible for waiver of some tuition charges. Refer to tuition waivers and reductions.
Registration fee per term* $25  
General student fees*
  Athletic $3 per credit hour  
  Educational services $22 per credit hour  
  Student activity $3 per credit hour  
Individual course fees*
  Lab/clinical fees vary per course    
  Physical Education fee (per term if enrolled in a PHE course) $6  
Penalty fees*
  Late payment $10  
  Returned check $25  
Testing fees*
  Testing and Assessment Services information can be found at https://www.aacc.edu/resources/academic-services/testing/
Credit by exam*
  Per credit hour $7  
    plus application fee $5  
Parking/Traffic Violations*    
  See fees listed on page: www.aacc.edu/campus-safety/services/traffic-and-parking-regulation/    
*Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice. For current rates: www.aacc.edu/costs-and-paying/credit-costs-and-payment/credit-tuition-and-fees/

Course Fees

Click here to view a complete list of the Course Fees.   

Payment of Tuition and Fees

For specific payment information on tuition and fees, visit www.aacc.edu/costs-and-paying/credit-costs-and-payment/paying-your-bill/

Fee Explanations

Athletic fee funds athletic facilities, membership on intercollegiate athletic teams and admission to sporting events.

Clinical fees offset the cost of clinical placements and supervision. Request a complete explanation of clinical fee expenditures from the appropriate academic department.

Educational Services fees fund information literacy initiatives and instructional support services including online access to research information, maintenance and upgrade of the library automation system, peer tutoring, online tutoring and open access computer labs.

Lab fees pay for materials and supplies for science experiments, computer supplies, equipment maintenance and special materials. Request a complete explanation of lab fee expenditures from the appropriate academic department.

Late Payment fee is assessed for each tuition and fee payment made after the scheduled due date. Due dates are listed in the class schedule and on the student’s bill.

Parking and Traffic Violation fees are charged to all students who violate any of the parking or traffic violations.

Physical Education fees charged to all students enrolled in PHE courses for maintenance of instructional equipment.

Registration fees cover costs of the student identification card and registration.

Returned Check fee is assessed when a student’s check is returned from the bank for any reason.

Student Activity fees offset the cost of co-curricular educational, cultural and recreational activities, publications and programs including the campus newspaper, drama performances and speakers.

Financial Aid

It is the philosophy of the college that no qualified student should be restricted from attempting college because of limited financial resources.  Grants, scholarships, loans and employment programs are available to eligible students who are enrolled in eligible degree or certificate programs of study.  For more information visit Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Third Party Payments

Anne Arundel Community College accepts third party payments for tuition assistance from students’ employers, college tuition trust funds, external scholarships or from other organizations or individuals. For students receiving third party assistance (payments), supporting documentation from the sponsoring agency must be sent to the Cashier’s office prior to or at the time of registration. If payment or third party documentation is not submitted, registration may be canceled for non-payment. For more information, please contact the Cashier’s office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu. Students are responsible for any charges not covered by third party assistance and are subject to late fines.

In compliance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (Title 38 USC 3679(e) Compliance), “the College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of any late fee, precluding registration or otherwise denying access to classes, libraries or other College facilities, or requiring the student to borrow additional funds, on any student using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31) or Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) benefits who has unpaid financial obligations due to any delay in payment or disbursement of funding by the VA.”

Educational Tax Credits

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 provides educational tax credit programs. Students should consult with tax professionals regarding the educational tax credits. AACC will send a 1098T Tuition Statement to all students who have paid within the calendar year for qualified tuition and related expenses. More information can be found on the IRS Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center website.


Drop/Withdraw with a Refund: When you register for a course, you assume a financial responsibility. Non-payment or failure to attend class does not result in an automatic drop from course(s) or the release of financial responsibility. To be eligible for a refund, you must drop the course through MyAACC or submit a drop/add form with the Records and Registration office at records@aacc.edu by the refund deadlines outlined below.

If you stop attending a course but do not officially drop the course, you continue to be financially responsible for all tuition and fees and receive a failing grade.

Courses dropped prior to the refund deadline are eligible for a full refund.

Students are provided a full refund when the college cancels a class.

DROP/WITHDRAW/REFUND DEADLINES Note: The last day upon which courses may be dropped is also listed on the students’ MyAACC page under My Classes. After the final drop date, a student may withdraw from a class through the 12th week of the 15th week session. For terms shorter than 15 weeks, the withdraw period will be defined proportionately.
  • Students may drop  the class for five calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund.
  • Students may drop  the class for two calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting and receive a full refund. No refunds will be given after that date.
  • Students have five additional calendar days to withdraw  from the class and receive a 60% reduction of the tuition, general student fees and lab fees charged for the class.
  • For hybrid, hybrid synchronous, online and online synchronous classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.
  • If a student withdraws   more than 10 calendar days after the date of the first scheduled class meeting, no refunds will be issued.
  • For hybrid, hybrid synchronous, online and online synchronous classes, the first day of the session is considered the first scheduled class meeting.


Students who are enrolled in noncredit classes, no refund will be given after the first scheduled class meeting. 

All students receiving federal student aid should be aware that withdrawing from a class/classes might affect the amount of financial aid they will receive.

Financial Aid Refunds

Students who officially withdraw from a course may jeopardize their financial aid eligibility or have their award reduced but are still responsible for their tuition and fees minus any refunds outlined above.

If your total semester financial aid exceeds the total of your tuition, mandatory fees, bookstore charges and any unpaid balance, the Cashier’s office will mail you a refund check within 14 days after your aid payments create a credit balance.

Note that federal regulations require you to cash a federally funded refund check (Title IV funds) within a timely manner, and all refund checks expire 180 days from the issue date of the check.

If you do not cash your refund check within 180 days of the original refund issue date, AACC will cancel the check and the funds will be returned to the loan or grant fund that created the credit balance.

Residency and Tuition Procedures

As authorized by college policy, students at Anne Arundel Community College are charged tuition for credit classes according to their residence as established on the first day of the class session and are classified to be one of the following:

  1. Anne Arundel County Residents - in county
  2. Other Maryland County Residents - out of county
  3. Out-of-State Residents, including students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents not holding an Alien Registration Receipt card - out of state
    1. Regardless of a student’s residency, students must sign by appropriate means, an application and registration form attesting to their residency. At prescribed intervals during a student’s enrollment at the college, the students may be asked to verify that their residence is the same as originally obtained or officially changed. If their residence has changed since submitting the written application and/or registration form, students shall notify the Records and  Registration Office, in writing, and attest to their new residence.  The college reserves the right to request additional information and documentation if necessary.
    2. Legal domicile shall be defined as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained and where he/she intends to remain indefinitely.
      The permanent place of abode of any person or persons contributing more than one-half of the student’s financial support during the most recent completed year.
    3. Students shall be considered residents of a county of state if they maintain their legal domicile there and have done so for a period of not less than three months before the starting date of the class session in which the class is scheduled.
    4. When students change residence, they must report the new residence to the registrar within 30 days. Students shall complete a written statement and may be required to provide documentation of the new residence and the date when the change was effective.
    5. Determination of student residency is made by the registrar based on the documents provided. The college shall consider any or all of the following factors in determining residency and may request evidence for substantiation:
      1. Ownership or rental of local living quarters;
      2. Substantially uninterrupted physical presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the college;
      3. Maintenance in Maryland and in the county of all, or substantially all, of the student’s possessions;
      4. Payment of state and local income taxes on all taxable income-earned;
      5. The student’s visa status;
      6. Registration to vote in the state and county;
      7. Registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified;
      8. Possession of a valid Maryland driver’s license or identification card issued by the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.
    6. An individual’s immigration status may not preclude award of Maryland residency under this policy if the individual has a legal capacity to establish domicile in Maryland.

Tuition for Maryland Public School Teachers

A Student who is an Anne Arundel County public-school teacher who registers for a course required for employment or a course or program that maintains or improves skills required for employment will be classified as an Anne Arundel County Resident, even if residing outside of Anne Arundel County.

A Student who is a public-school teacher at a school located in Maryland but outside of Anne Arundel County who registers for a course required for employment will be classified as an Other Maryland County Resident, even if residing outside of Maryland.

A Student classified as an Anne Arundel County Resident or Other Maryland County Resident based on being a public-school teacher will maintain the Residency Classification assigned as long as the student remains employed by the public school and is taking a course(s) that is required for employment or maintains or improves skills required for employment.

At the time of registration each semester, students must provide a current Maryland public-school ID badge to the Cashier’s office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu. Questions call 410-777-2236.

Tuition for Military Personnel and Their Dependents

In addition to the general requirements above, the following provisions apply to the specific categories of students indicated.

  1. An active duty member of the United States Armed Forces will be in-county for tuition purposes.
  2. The spouse or child of an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces is exempt from being charged the out-of-state tuition differential if the active duty member of the United States Armed Forces is stationed in Maryland, resides in Maryland or is domiciled (residents of record) in Maryland. Such an individual will be considered either the in-county or the out-of-county for tuition purposes based on where he/she resides, as demonstrated by supporting documentation.
  3. The spouse or child of a qualified member of the United States Armed Forces whose domicile or permanent duty station is in Maryland and is continuously enrolled at the college when the permanent duty station is changed to a location outside the state shall be considered out-of-county (in-state) for tuition purposes.
  4. A qualified member of the Maryland National Guard will be considered out-of-county for tuition purposes unless they are a resident of the county. Those members of the Maryland National Guard who are residents of the county will be considered in-county rate.
  5. An honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces who registers as an entering student at Anne Arundel Community College is exempt from paying out-of-state tuition differential if the veteran presents the registrar with documentation evidencing that the veteran attended a public or private secondary school in Maryland and the veteran graduated from a public or private secondary school in Maryland or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Maryland. Such an individual will be considered at either the in-county or the out-of-county tuition rate based on where he/she resides, as demonstrated by supporting documentation.
  6. Students who are qualified, honorably discharged United States Armed Forces veterans will be classified as “out-of-county, in-state” residents for tuition purposes even if residing outside the state of Maryland.

Tuition for Dual-Enrolled High School Students (Early College Access Program)

Qualified Maryland Public School students, including Anne Arundel County Public School (AACPS) students, with the submission of an Early College Access Program form, will not be charged for tuition, fees, or required course materials. For more information, please call the admissions office at 410-777-2246.

Tuition for International Students/Non-U.S. Citizens

For a non-U.S. citizen to be considered a Maryland resident for the purposes of this policy, the student shall possess the legal capacity under state and federal law to establish Maryland domicile. Non-immigrant visa statuses such as B, C, D, F, M, Q, TN, and students with pending status pay out-of-state tuition. Undocumented immigrants who attended high school in Maryland can apply for a special tuition rate equivalent to either the in-county or out-of-county rate through the Maryland Dream Act. In order to qualify for the Maryland Dream Act tuition rate, students must provide documentation that they meet the requirements. To apply, complete the Maryland Dream Act application available at www.aacc.edu/costs-and-paying/credit-costs-and-payment/paying-your-bill/maryland-dream-act/ and submit it to the Admissions Office admissions@aacc.edu. For more information call 410-777-2152 or Espanol 410-777-1999.

Tuition Waivers and Reductions

Students must apply for waivers or tuition reductions each term before the first day of classes. Direct questions to the Cashier’s office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu.

In compliance with the Code of Maryland Regulations and the Education Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, the Board of Trustees of Anne Arundel Community College authorizes full or partial waivers of tuition for qualifying individuals in the categories listed below.

Maryland Foster Care and Maryland Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Recipients

A Maryland Foster Care and Maryland Unaccompanied Homeless Youth recipient is exempt from paying tuition and mandatory fees if the recipient:

  • Is enrolled at the institution by the date the recipient reaches the age of 25; and
  • Continues to be exempt from paying tuition and fees until 10 years after first enrolling and pursuing an associate’s degree; or is awarded a bachelor’s degree; and
  • Is enrolled full or part time for an associate, bachelor’s, or a vocational certificate at a Maryland public institution of high education; and
  • Has filed for federal and state financial aid by March 1 each year; and
  • Meets all other financial aid eligibility criteria.

For more information call financial aid at 410-777-2203.

Tuition Waivers

Waivers to Tuition Policy supports tuition waivers for the following:

Maryland residents who are age 60 years or older

The college waives tuition charges for credit and eligible continuing education courses for Maryland residents who are age 60 years and older by the first day of the term. All other fees must be paid on or before the due date.

Maryland residents receiving SSI or SSDI

In accordance with Maryland law § 16-106c and the procedures set by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, Anne Arundel Community College waives tuition charges for Maryland residents enrolled in credit and certain qualified noncredit continuing education courses who are certified as retired or disabled by the Social Security Administration.

The waiver is available for tuition charges for up to 6 credits designed to lead to employment, including life skills per semester without declaring a degree or certificate program. The tuition waiver is available for up to 12 credits per semester for students who have declared a degree or certificate program that leads to employment.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. A resident of Maryland who is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and out of the workforce because of a permanent disability as defined by the Social Security Act, the Railroad Retirement Act, or in the case of former federal employees, the Office of Personnel Management. Individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits as a dependent or survivor of a disabled beneficiary do not qualify for this waiver.
  2. In accordance with state regulations, students enrolled in a degree or certificate program who are requesting the Social Security Tuition Waiver must annually file and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) no later than March 1st of the award year. Include AACC school code 0020258.
  3. Prior to the first scheduled day of class, students must provide a current Benefit Verification Letter from the Social Security Administration (or Railroad Retirement board or former federal employer) to the Cashiers office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu. Benefit Verification Letters are valid for one year from the date of the letter.
  4. Fees (not covered under the Social Security Tuition Waiver) and any remaining tuition charges must be paid on or before the due date. Call the Cashiers office at 410-777-2236 to make this payment. Only payment prevents students from being dropped from courses.
  5. Awarded grants and scholarships will be applied first to pay tuition. The waiver will only be applied if grants and scholarships do not cover the full semester tuition charge. Student loans or Federal Work Study funds are not a grant or scholarship and therefore not considered.
  6. Colleges reserve the right to discontinue the tuition waiver for a student enrolling in a course with less than 10 regularly enrolled students.

Members of the Maryland National Guard

Students who are members of the Maryland National Guard are eligible for a waiver of 50 percent of their tuition for credit courses at Anne Arundel Community College. To qualify for this waiver, members of the Maryland National Guard must submit their State Tuition Waiver (STW) Letter signed by their unit commander to the Cashier’s office each term. The remaining tuition and fees must be paid on or before the due date. Students must be enrolled in regularly scheduled credit courses with sufficient tuition paying students to warrant the college’s offering the classes. Direct questions to the Cashier’s office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu.

Maryland Dream Act

The Maryland Dream Act qualifies certain undocumented immigrants for a tuition rate equivalent to the in-state rate. A complete application requesting approval must be submitted before the start of the term. Application and details are available at www.aacc.edu/costs-and-paying/credit-costs-and-payment/paying-your-bill/maryland-dream-act/.

Tuition Reductions

College policy supports tuition reductions for the following:

Health Manpower Tuition Reduction Program

Maryland residents enrolled in a state-designated Health Manpower Shortage Program by the first day of the term may qualify for in-county tuition rates for required program courses. To avoid course drops, log into your MyAACC Student Portal at https://portal.aacc.edu to make payments by the due date. If you wish to appeal tuition reduction eligibility, submit a written request to the Accounts Receivable manager for a decision within 10 days. Direct questions and appeals to the Cashiers office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu. A current listing of eligible programs is available on MHEC’s website (subject to change). The following AACC programs are designated as Health Manpower Shortage Programs as of July 2024:

  Addiction Counseling (A.A.S.) *Effective January 21, 2025 AAS.HUS.ADD-CNSL  
  Addiction Counseling (certificate) *Effective January 21, 2025 CRT.HUS.ADD-CNSL  
  Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic (A.A.S.) AAS.EMT.EMT  
  Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic (certificate) CRT.EMT.P  
  Human Services (A.A.S.) AAS.HUS.HUS  
  Human Services (certificate) CRT.HUS.HUS  
  Massage Therapy (A.A.S.) AAS.IHE.MASS-THRPY  
  Massage Therapy (certificate) CRT.IHE.MASS-THRPY  
  Medical Assisting (A.A.S.) AAS.MDA.MDA  
  Medical Assisting (certificate) CRT.MDA.MDA  
  Medical Coding (certificate) CRT.IHE.MED-CODE  
  Medical Laboratory Technician (A.A.S.) AAS.MLT.MLT  
  Nursing (A.S.) AS.NUR.RN  
  Practical Nursing (certificate) CRT.NUR.PRAC-NRSG  
  Physical Therapist Assistant (A.A.S.) AAS.PTA.PTA  
  Radiologic Technology (A.A.S.) AAS.RAD.RAD  

Health Manpower Shortage Program Tuition Reduction for Nonresident Nursing Students

This program is available to out-of-state residents who are enrolled, have been accepted in an eligible nursing program and are pursuing a program leading to a nursing degree. If your out-of-state residency is due to a foreign status, you do not qualify for this reduction. Students may apply for a reduction of the out-of-state tuition differential for courses required for program completion. In return, students must sign a promissory note stating that upon completion of the nursing program, they will sit for the nursing licensure exam and work for at least two years on a full-time basis in a Maryland hospital or related institution. Health Manpower Shortage Programs are subject to change. A current listing is available on the MHEC website. For information, contact the Financial Aid office at 410-777-2203 or finaid@aacc.edu.

Statewide Tuition Reduction Program

Maryland residents enrolled in a state-designated Statewide Program by the first day of the term may qualify for in-county tuition rates for required program courses. To avoid course drops, log into your MyAACC Student Portal at https://portal.aacc.edu to make payments by the due date. If you wish to appeal tuition reduction eligibility, submit a written request to the Accounts Receivable manager for a decision within 10 days. Direct questions and appeals to the Cashiers office at cashiersoffice@aacc.edu. A current listing of eligible programs is available on MHEC’s website (subject to change). The following AACC programs are designated as Health Manpower Shortage Programs as of July 2024:

  Degree Programs    
  Architecture and Interior Design - Interior Design (A.A.S.) AAS.ACH.ID-INT-DSGN  
  Homeland Security Management - Homeland Security Management (A.A.S.) AAS.HLS.HMLD.SEC-MGT  
  Homeland Security Management - Intelligence Analytics (A.A.S.) AAS.HLS.INTEL-ANLYS  
  Homeland Security Management - Transportation and Border Security (A.A.S.) AAS.HLS.TPT-BDR-SEC  
  Hotel/Restaurant Management - Culinary Arts (A.A.S.) AAS.HRM.CULINARY-A  
  Hotel/Restaurant Management - Baking and Pastry Arts (A.A.S.) AAS.HRM.BAK-PASTRY  
  Hotel/Restaurant Management - Hospitality Management (A.A.S.) AAS.HRM.HOSPITALITY  
  Paralegal Studies (A.A.S.) AAS.PARA-STUDIES  
  Skilled Professional Trades Management (A.A.S.) AAS.EXPLORE.TRADES  
  Skilled Professional Trades Management - Small Business Management (A.A.S.) AAS.TRADES.SM-BUS  
  Skilled Professional Trades Management - Construction Management (A.A.S.) AAS.TRADES.CSTN  
  Certificate Programs    
  Baking and Pastry Arts (certificate) CRT.HRM.BAK-PASTRY  
  Culinary Arts (certificate) CRT.HRM.CUL-ART  
  Event Planning and Catering (certificate) CRT.HRM.EVT-PLN-CAT  
  Intelligence Analytics (certificate) CRT.HLS.INTEL-ANYL  
  Life and Engagement Coach (certificate) CRT.EDU.LIFE-ENGAGE  
  Paralegal Studies (certificate) CRT.PARA-STUDIES  
  Transportation, Logistics, and Cargo Security (certificate) CRT.BMT.TRANSPORT  

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Many of our areas of study provide career enhancement that may meet guidelines set forth by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation, Anne Arundel County’s WIOA services provider, assists job seekers by delivering career services and workforce training funds. An individual qualifies for short-term workforce training or career development if he or she has been laid off from a job and/or meets WIOA income eligibility guidelines. Determining funding eligibility requires a meeting with an AAWDC staff person prior to course enrollment to establish a training plan. For information, call 410-987-3890 to be directed to an AAWDC location convenient to you. After meeting with an AAWDC staff person, students wishing to inquire about the WIOA-approved AACC areas of study can call the Admissions and Enrollment Development office at 410-777-2246.

Tuition for Parent of a deaf or hard of hearing child

In compliance with the Code of Maryland Regulations starting October 1, 2019 a parent of a deaf or hard of hearing child may take one course that teaches a language or communication mode at AACC and is exempt from paying tuition at AACC for that course.  Eligible individuals must make arrangement with the Cashier’s Office prior to the first payment due date.