Dec 26, 2024
EDU 213 - Strategies for Teaching Adults with Diverse Needs1 credit hour - Three hours weekly; five weeks. Investigate and analyze a variety of learning styles, disabilities, backgrounds, and instructional strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners. Examine topics such as brain research and multiple intelligences pertaining to teaching adults with diverse needs.
Location(s) Typically Offered: Online (OL)
Term(s) Typically Offered: Spring
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify and explain a variety of diverse needs including students with disabilities and at risk populations
- Connect the theory of multiple intelligences to classroom pedagogy
- Practice constructing and evaluating learning tasks that meet the needs of a variety of differing abilities
- Create an instructional strategies toolkit including a variety of learning tasks
- Discuss contemporary trends and issues relative to teaching adults with diverse needs