Dec 04, 2024
HLS 211 - Intelligence Analysis and Security Management3 credit hours - Three hours weekly; one term. Examines intelligence analysis and its indispensable relationship to the security management of terrorist attacks and other threats. Explores vulnerabilities of our national defense and private sectors, as well as the threats posed to these institutions by terrorists, man-made disasters, and natural disasters. Students will discuss substantive issues regarding intelligence support of Homeland Security measures implemented by the United States and explore how the intelligence community operates. Lab fee $20.
Prerequisite(s): HLS 111 or permission of director.
Location(s) Typically Offered: Online (OL)
Term(s) Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Learner demonstrates thorough knowledge of current issues surrounding domestic, and international terrorist planning, activities, threats, etc.
- Learner identifies the most essential forms of intelligence.
- Learner outlines the purpose and functions of key national and international intelligence agencies.
- Learner accurately analyzes critical intelligence documents, data and materials.
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Learner accurately solves problems through the use of social, legal, political and religious domains of thinking.
- Learner explains the fundamental mission and key tactics used with the most infamous terrorist and extremist groups in the country and in the world.
- Learner outlines the purpose and functions of key national and international intelligence agencies.
- Information Literacy and Research
- Learner will use written material and technological instruments through which to ascertain critical information.
- Global Perspective
- Learner will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of geographic territories relative to extremist and terrorist groups.
- Learner will articulate the purpose and objectives of the United Nations regarding the Declaration for Human Rights and their response to terrorist activities.