Feb 16, 2025
HUS 102 - Physiological Aspects of Chemical Dependence3 credit hours - 45 hours of lecture; one term. Examine the physiologic effects of recreational drug use and chemical dependence on the body systems. Classifications of abused drugs (alcohol, narcotics, depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens), basic concepts of the addiction cycle and treatment goals will be discussed. Approved by the Office of Education and Training for Addictions Services (OETAS).
Crosslisted: Also offered as HUS 102H ; credit is not given for both HUS 102 and HUS 102H .
Location(s) Typically Offered: Online (OL)
Term(s) Typically Offered: All terms
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the continuing popularity of mind-altering drugs in the U.S., despite legal, moral and social restrictions.
- Describe drug actions within the human body and the frequently observed components of drug dependency.
- Describe both the desired (by those who use) effects and the destructive effects of depressants, stimulants, psychedelics and over-the-counter and prescribed drugs.
- Explain the use and abuse of drugs in specific populations.