Dec 04, 2024
THA 121 - Stagecraft3 credit hours - Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory weekly; one term. Explore the aspects of backstage theatrical work in a lecture/laboratory setting. Exercise modern theatrical construction and electrical standards. Implement operational procedures, protocols, and techniques for running theatrical production crews in scenery, lighting, audio, projections, props, and paints. Complete individual execution assignments from each of the various backstage disciplines. Engage in group research and presentation assignments on traditional theatrical conventions. Lab fee $60.
Location(s) Typically Offered: Arnold Main Campus (MC)
Term(s) Typically Offered: Fall
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply proper safety procedures and equipment in a theatrical production environment.
- Analyze existing theatrical drafting and generate new drafting.
- Implement fundamental scenic construction techniques in both wooden and metal materials.
- Apply practical electrical theory for theatrical purposes in scenery, lighting, audio, and video.
- Compose programming for theatrical software systems and consoles running lighting, audio, and video projection.
- Identify and apply fundamental scenic artistry painting techniques in appropriate contexts.
- Evaluate the success or failure of a theatrical production’s technical aspects in order to inform future decision-making.