EDU 264 - World Language Teaching Methods3 credit hours - Three hours weekly, one term. Examine current world language teaching methodologies and standards. Design teaching strategies to develop student communication skills and cultural awareness. Develop assessment strategies for the K-12 world language classroom.
Prerequisite(s): A bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission from department chair.
Location(s) Typically Offered: Arnold Main Campus (MC)
Term(s) Typically Offered: Fall
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the World Readiness Standards and be able to incorporate them into daily lessons.
2. Incorporate cross-curricular connections (i.e. STEAM, other disciplines, digital learning, 21st century learning skills) through authentic resources.
3. Construct appropriate student outcomes based on the World Readiness Standards, proficiency targets, and teaching grammar in the context.
4. Apply current research findings related to secondary teaching methodology and best practices of World Language teachers.
5. Develop effective lesson plans that specify appropriate goals, activities, and assessments for World Language content according to the 6 Core Principles of language instruction.
6. Create formative and summative listening, speaking, reading, and writing assessments that effectively evaluate students’ proficiency targets
7. Plan for the use of instructional strategies that promote the use of the target language while supporting learning objectives associated with culture and community.