Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Planner for Arts & Sciences Transfer - Liberal Arts (A.A.)

Official Title of Major: Arts and Sciences Transfer - Liberal Arts, A.A.

Award: Associate of Arts degree, A.A.


Total Credit Hours: 60

Purpose: To provide a liberal arts education to students who wish to transfer to a four-year university or college and seek a baccalaureate degree. The Liberal Arts area of concentration provides a strong foundation in literature, philosophy, world languages, social science, and analytical and critical thinking skills, all of which prepare students for lifelong learning and social, cultural, and technological change. This area of concentration is designed to provide students with a broad-based liberal arts experience, enriching students’ understanding of the physical and social world. It is also a good preparation for students who aim, eventually, for graduate or professional schools. Students who want to broaden and enrich their education also will find the liberal arts area of concentration rewarding.

Faculty Directory (https://webapps.aacc.edu/directory/): Dawn Meissner

Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.

Course/Advising Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Term 1

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 101 - Academic Writing and Research 1   OR
ENG 101A - Academic Writing and Research 1   
(English Composition GER)
3 credit hours    
MAT 133 - Finite Mathematics  
MAT 135 - Statistics   
Or more advanced level if qualified:
MAT 137 - College Algebra   
MAT 145 - Precalculus 1   
MAT 146 - Precalculus 2  
MAT 151 - Accelerated Precalculus   
MAT 191 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1  
MAT 192 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2  
MAT 202 - Linear Algebra   
MAT 230 - Elementary Calculus (For Business and Social Sciences)   
(Mathematics GER)
3 credit hours    
Communications GER   
(Arts & Humanities GER)
3 credit hours    
Technology Requirement   
Must select from list of approved general education Technology courses.
3 credit hours    
World Languages Sequence  
World Languages Sequence  is 111 & 112 or 112 & 211 or 211 & 212 of the same language. Students are recommended to contact the department for guidance on transferability to four-year institutions and for placement above the 111 level based on previous language study.
3 credit hours    

Term 2

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 102 - Academic Writing and Research 2   
(English Composition GER)
3 credit hours       
Biological & Physical Lab Science GER  
4 credit hours    
HIS 111 - Ancient and Medieval Western Civilizations  OR
HIS 112 - Early Modern and Modern Western Civilizations  OR
HIS 211 - United States History through the Civil War  OR
HIS 212 - United States History Since the Civil War   
(Social & Behavioral Sciences GER)
Students planning to transfer to the B.A. in Humanities Program at UMUC should take HIS 111 or HIS 112. 

3 credit hours    
Wellness Requirement   
Must select from list of approved general education wellness courses. 
3 credit hours    
World Languages Sequence 
World Languages Sequence  is 111 & 112 or 112 & 211 or 211 & 212 of the same language. Students are recommended to contact the department for guidance on transferability to four-year institutions and for placement above the 111 level based on previous language study.
3 credit hours    

Term 3

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG Sophomore Literature   
(Arts & Humanities GER)
3 credit hours    
Biological & Physical Science GER   
3 credit hours    
Social & Behavioral Sciences GER   
(other than HIS)
3 credit hours    
ART 209 - History of Western Art 1   3 credit hours     
PHL 111 - Introduction to Philosophy  
3 credit hours     

Term 4

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
PHL 146 - Contemporary Moral Problems  
3 credit hours     
Choose one Music course of the following:
MUS 100 - Music Appreciation  - 3 credit hours
MUS 101 - Music Fundamentals   - 3 credit hours
MUS 113 - Music Theory and Ear Training 1  - 4 credit hours
MUS 114 - Music Theory and Ear Training 2   - 4 credit hours
MUS 160 - History of Popular Music   - 3 credit hours
MUS 165 - Highlights of Music History: Jazz   - 3 credit hours
MUS 169 - Music, Power and Gender   - 3 credit hours
MUS 213 - Music Theory and Ear Training 3  - 4 credit hours
MUS 214 - Music Theory and Ear Training 4  - 4 credit hours
MUS 260 - History of Music 1  - 3 credit hours
MUS 261 - History of Music 2   - 3 credit hours
MUS 262 - World Music: Music as Culture - 3 credit hours
3 credit hours    
No more than 3 credits of physical activity courses may be used as electives. If a 4-credit  Music course is selected in the Area of Concentration requirement above, only 7 credits of electives are required.
7-8 credit hours    


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