2022-2023 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]
English - Arts and Sciences Transfer (A.A.)
Official Title of Major: Arts and Sciences Transfer - English, A.A.
Award: Associate of Arts degree, A.A.
Total Credit Hours: 60
About the English Program
Purpose: Anne Arundel Community College’s Arts and Science Transfer Degree with a concentration in English is designed to help students transfer to colleges and universities that offer a baccalaureate degree with a major in English and will transfer to all Maryland four-year public colleges. Students who study English at AACC will be challenged with taking a position and defending it with logic and reason. They will be taught to read analytically–to ask why–and to think critically and write persuasively. Since all of these skills transfer well to the job market, students who choose to pursue AACC’s Arts and Sciences Transfer Degree with a concentration in English set themselves up not only for transfer to four-year schools but for eventual careers across a wide range of occupations including publishing, journalism, media, advertising, marketing, public relations, education, technical communication, government, human services, public policy, research, law, and business.
Planning Tool: Two-Year Sequence of Courses
Arts and Sciences Transfer Program Core Course Requirements
The core courses for this degree are simultaneously satisfied by three of General Education Requirements listed below: (1) the Communications Arts and Humanities general education requirement, (2) the Sophomore Literature Arts and Humanities general education requirement, and (3) one of the History Social and Behavioral Sciences general education requirement courses (HIS 111 or HIS 112 or HIS 211 or HIS 212 ). English Composition: 6 credits
Arts and Humanities: 6 credits
Mathematics: 3 credits
Students must choose one Mathematics course from the following: Social and Behavioral Sciences: 6 credits
Additional General Education Requirements: 6 credits
Area of Concentration: 26 credits
Required courses: 12 credits
From the following, choose an additional four courses in addition to the Sophomore Literature Course used to satisfy the Core Course Requirement. Students should check the requirements of their transfer school before selecting the courses listed below: Electives: 14 credits
Students are recommended to check on transfer institution’s requirements before selecting electives. No more than 3 credits of physical activity courses may be used as electives.
Technology Requirement
All students in associate degree programs must satisfy the Technology Requirement . In many cases, students may satisfy this requirement simultaneously as they satisfy a general education course requirement or with an elective. Wellness Requirement
Unless they are in a degree that is exempt, all students in associate degree programs must satisfy the Wellness Requirement . In many cases, students may satisfy this requirement simultaneously as they satisfy a general education course requirement or with an elective. Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to: - Communicate complex ideas and information through writing, speaking, presenting, and using technology.
- Locate, organize, and analyze information from multiple sources in order to develop informed, reasoned, and substantiated arguments.
- Explanation the value of tradition, innovation, and creativity in understanding various forms of writing and communication.
- Apply mathematical skills, critical analysis, and logical thinking to solve problems and interpret quantitative information.
- Apply an awareness of social diversity and the ways in which cultural values are historically and socially situated.
- Closely read, critically analyze, and interpret literary texts, with attention to language, form, convention, technique, and thematic content.
- Analyze literature in its historical, cultural, and intellectual context.
- Articulate the ways literature expands our understanding of abstract concepts, enduring questions, and the human experience.
- Apply critical thinking skills, secondary source material, and methodologies appropriate to the field of literary studies.
- Communicate reactions to and analyses of literature both orally and in writing.
This program aligns with all the college’s core competencies. Related Offerings
Students may wish to also review requirements for the related majors or programs linked below. Transferring Credits to Maryland Public Four-Year Schools
Maryland public four-year colleges and universities accept a minimum of 60 and as many as 70 credits earned toward an associate degree from a Maryland public community college. Students planning to transfer should consult with an AACC academic and transfer advisor; and are advised to obtain permission from the four-year college or university when planning to transfer credits beyond the minimum degree requirements at AACC. More than 70 credits earned at AACC may be transferred if outlined within an established transfer agreement. Current transfer agreements can be found on the AACC Transfer Partners webpage. Career and Educational Advancement Resources |