Feb 09, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Planner for Entrepreneurship (A.A.S.)

Official Title of Major: Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.

Award: Associate of Applied Sciences degree, A.A.S.


Total Credit Hours: 60 

About Entrepreneurial Studies Institute - see www.aacc.edu

Purpose: A degree in entrepreneurship provides you with the skills to start your own venture, work with others to identify business opportunities, join entrepreneurial ventures or work for an established organization. Entrepreneurship graduates are often in demand by growth-oriented companies wanting to incorporate entrepreneurial vision and innovation in their firms and by companies seeking individuals who have the ability to solve problems creatively and improve productivity. Regardless of size, all businesses need managers who can identify opportunities, obtain resources, plan, organize, direct and control work to accomplish business objectives.

Topics covered during coursework include entrepreneurial thinking and opportunity recognition, developing a business plan, obtaining resources, managing finances, strategic planning, selecting managers and employees, organizing and designing the business, identifying and capitalizing on international opportunities, managing technology, and successfully dealing with managerial challenges.

Faculty Contact (https://webapps.aacc.edu/directory): Stephanie Goldenberg

Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.

Course/Advising Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Term 1

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade

ENG 101 - Academic Writing and Research 1  

Students may substitute ENG 101A   for ENG 101.

3 credit hours    
ESI 103 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship   3 credit hours     

Technology Requirement  

 CTA 100   or CTP 103   are recommended. This requirement may also be met by CLEP exam.

3 credit hours    
Arts & Humanities GER   
3 credit hours    

Mathematics GER 

Work with your advisor to select the appropriate course for transfer.

3 credit hours    

Term 2

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade

ENG 102 - Academic Writing and Research 2  

3 credit hours    

ESI 104 - Entrepreneurship: Sales & Marketing for Small Business  OR

BPA 127 - eMarketing  

3 credit hours     
BPA 111 - Introduction to Business   3 credit hours      
Social and Behavioral Sciences GER
ECO 116 - Inside the Global Economy     OR
ECO 121 - Introduction to Economics  OR
ECO 211 - Principles of Economics 1 
Work with your advisor to select the appropriate course for transfer.
3 credit hours    


Choose any BPA, ECO, ESI or LGS course)

3 credit hours    

Term 3

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade

BPA 200 - Foundations of Accounting  OR

BPA 201 - Financial Accounting OR

BPA 217 - Small Business Accounting  

3 credit hours     

BPA 120 - Small Business Management  

3 credit hours    
Biological & Physical Science GER    
3 credit hours    
BPA 162 - Business Communications   3 credit hours    
Choose any BPA, ECO, ESI or LGS course
3 credit hours    

Term 4

Course Name Credits Term Taken Grade
ESI 270 - Entrepreneurship: New Venture Planning  
3 credit hours     

BPA 275 - Internship in Business 1  

3 credits    

LGS 250 - Legal Issues for Business  OR

LGS 253 - Business Law 1 

3 credit hours    
Wellness Requirement    
3 credit hours    
Choose any BPA, ECO, ESI or LGS course
3 credit hours    

*Courses marked with * are recommended if you plan to transfer to a business degree program at a 4-year university.

About the Planner Symbols