Title of Certificate: Management Information Systems, Certificate
Award: Certificate
Code: Contact Registrar’s Office
Total Credit Hours: 16-17
Purpose: Management Information Systems is a critical part of the strategic decision-making process in virtually all of today’s public and private organizations. This certificate emphasizes management techniques and methodologies used to ensure the successful implementation and on‐going operations of information technology capabilities in business.
A grade of C or better is required in each Management Information Systems Transfer course requirement.
Range of Occupations
- Computer Systems Administrator
- IT Manager
- Information Security Analyst
Faculty Contact (webapps.aacc.edu/directory): Susanne Markowski
Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.
All students must demonstrate eligibility for ENG 101 /ENG 101A . Refer to Academic Regulations on Graduation Requirements , “Certificate Requirements” for more information.
Course/Advising Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Term 1
Term 2