Mar 11, 2025
FRE 112H - Elementary French 2 - Honors3 credit hours - Three hours weekly; one term. This is an honors course.
This course meets the Arts & Humanities General Education Requirement.
Build upon knowledge learned in FRE 111 with emphasis on speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisite(s): FRE 111 or one year of high school French or permission of department chair.
Crosslisted: Also offered as FRE 112 ; credit not given for both FRE 112 and FRE 112H.
Note: Not for native speakers.
Location(s) Typically Offered: Arnold Main Campus (MC) and Online (OL)
Term(s) Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify the main idea and some pieces of information in novice-high level written and spoken conversations about familiar topics and short informational or fictional texts.
- Communicate in spontaneous spoken conversations on both familiar and everyday topics, using a variety of practiced, memorized, and original phrases, simple sentences, and questions.
- Present information on familiar and cultural topics using a variety of practiced, memorized, and some original phrases and simple sentences through spoken and written language.
- Combine a variety of grammar structures and vocabulary to respond to a range of novice-high level writing and speaking prompts.
- Formulate comparisons between students’ cultural experiences and the cultural products, practices,