Aug 31, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [PAST CATALOG]

Planner for Arts & Sciences Transfer - Plant Science (A.S.)

Official Title of Major: Arts and Sciences Transfer - Plant Science, A.S.

Award: Associate of Science degree, A.S.


Total Credit Hours: 60

About the Biology Department

Purpose:  This program provides preparation for entry into horticulture, plant science and landscape management programs at four-year institutions.

Faculty Contact ( Professor Debra Bartlett

Courses to improve skills and prepare for college-level classes may be needed. It is best to see an advisor as you plan your education.

Course/Advising Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Term 1

Course Names Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 101 - Academic Writing and Research 1  OR
ENG 101A - Academic Writing and Research 1  
3 credit hours    
Mathematics GER:
MAT 145 - Precalculus 1 
A more advanced level of math from the following list may be substituted:
MAT 146 - Precalculus 2  
MAT 151 - Accelerated Precalculus  
MAT 191 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1  
MAT 202 - Linear Algebra  
MAT 230 - Elementary Calculus (For Business and Social Sciences)  
3 credit hours    
Biological and Physical Sciences GER:
BIO 103 - General Botany  
4 credit hours     
CHE 111 - General Chemistry 1   4 credit hours     

Term 2

Course Names Credits Term Taken Grade
ENG 102 - Academic Writing and Research 2  
3 credit hours     
CTA 100 - Computing and Information Technology  
If appropriate, a different CTA or CTP course that also meets the technology requirement may be selected. Students should consult an advisor and transfer institution before enrolling.
3 credit hours     
Biological and Physical Sciences GER:
BIO 113 - Sustainable Horticulture 
4 credit hours     
CHE 112 - General Chemistry 2  
4 credit hours     

Term 3

Course Names Credits Term Taken Grade
BIO 201 - Plant Taxonomy  
4 credit hours    
Choose one from the following:
ACH 115 
ACH 117  
BIO 210  
BIO 215  
3-4 credit hours    
Arts & Humanities GER  
Any COM GER course. Strongly recommend:
COM 111 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication  OR
COM 116 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers  
3 credit hours    
Social and Behavioral Science GER/Diversity Requirement
SOC 111 - Introduction to Sociology 
3 credit hours     
BIO 116 - Introduction to Landscaping  
3 credit hours     

Term 4

Course Names Credits Term Taken Grade
BIO 207 - Plant Propagation  
3 credit hours    
Arts & Humanities GER 
One Sophomore Literature (ENG) course
3 credit hours    
Social and Behavioral Science GER
Must select one from the following:
HIS 111 - Ancient and Medieval Western Civilizations  
HIS 112 - Early Modern and Modern Western Civilizations 
HIS 113 - World Civilizations to 1500  
HIS 114 - World Civilizations Since 1500   
HIS 211 - United States History through the Civil War  
HIS 212 - United States History Since the Civil War  
HIS 214 - African American History  
3 credit hours    
Elective or choose one from the following:
ACH 115 
ACH 117  
BIO 210  
BIO 215  
3-4 credit hours     
Wellness Requirement  
3 credit hours    

About the Planner Symbols